Every company, forum, blogger as well as individuals need their custom identity online to maintain their live presence not under others stack, so to acquire that ID, one must have his own domain name, that name can be registered from numerous kind of worldly extensions. Some of those belong to international usage like .com, .net, .org, .biz and .info whereas few are designated to specific country like .ca, .com.au etc. in the same way ICANN which is the main registry of issuing all domains and suffix, has announced more precise extensions like .store, .guru and many more. Our purpose here is to offer a chance to those who are prominently reside in Pakistan to secure their brand with Pakistan based web names.

.PK Domain Registration

Any web name extension ends with .pk will be issued by PKNIC, the registry holds the rights to authorize any Pakistan abbreviated extension. PKNIC registry was established in 1992 which is a semi Governmental institution, having its only office in Lahore, Pakistan. .pk is top level ccTld publicly reserved for Islamic republic of Pakistan which does means anyone who will go online using it, will represent as local provider being and individual or corporate. There are many suffix which are designated and explained by registry for various uses, first we will elaborate those which are not restricted and not limited for locals. Any name can be reserved at least for 2 years and renewal can be processed up to 10 years maximum. At least 4 characters for .pk and 1 character for all other suffix is required whereas a name can have maximum 63 letters. hyphens and numeric characters are allowed

pk domain
.pkfor any kind of usage but is most popular
.com.pkbest for representing Pakistani corporate sector
.net.pkfor local networking and internet providers
.org.pkAny non-business organization for charity purposes
.biz.pkspecial one for business in absence of .pk or .com.pk availability
.fam.pkif one wants to make a Pakistani famility blog
.web.pkforemost for web designers and web hosting providers
Unrestricted Domains / Any one in the world can buy

As every country of the world has its own online identities for presenting educational institutions as well as Governmental departments so PK registry has formulated a variety of restricted extensions for local provincial, federal departents as well as for educational institutions which includes all kinds of school, colleges and universities.

.edu.pkFor any registered or affiliated institution of Pakistan
.gov.pkAny department comes under federal constituency
.gop.pkAny Governmental department relevant to Punjab Govt
.gos.pkFor Sindh Province Government
.gkp.pkFor Govt departments in  Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
.gob.pkOfficial departments of Government of Baluchistan
.gog.pkReserved for government of Gilgit Baltistan
.gok.pkCan be registered for departments of Azad Kashmir
Restricted Domains / Documentation is Required

Those who are in need of such name spaces must have totally legalized documents for processing their requests, like in case if you want a website name with PKNIC offered suffix as .edu.pk then you institution must be registered or affiliated through any provincial or Federal Government authority who can issue such licenses. If you are the director or head of any Governmental department and want to book a web name on the behalf of your department, you are to place a request in hard copy format. Moreover, for any restricted web name, one must have to provide a written request in hard copy along with the signature and stamp of higher authority on the letter head of organization which must contain a landline phone number. Also copy of N.I.C of the requestee and in case of educational institution, copy of registration/affiliation certificate is also required.

Search and Buy PK Domain

If you have decided to go not with a generic Tld but with a local web identity then you must have also made sure that what would be your desired suffix too but here are issues, you may not find your desired Pakistani suffix with you keyword or brand name. So how you will come to know about the availability, it is quite easy, simply search PK Domain and verify whether it has been already taken or you can occupy it. what will come next is the price as there are many local and international providers, some of them are legal authorized agents whereas few are voluntarily doing this business. some has cheaper prices and some has higher though the PKNIC registry sells any name for PKR.2350 when it will be registered under a local contact whereas charges would be USD48USD if owner has an international contact information.

PK Domain Price

As mentioned above, every provider has its own rates for booking any PKNIC web name but if you are looking for a cheap solution, you can search the phrase “cheap pk domain name”, most probably the first and best result you will find with a web name as pk-domain.com, their all services including registration of branded PK name is cheaper than those available companies on the internet world. what else you are to take care while comparing the prices is the time taken for reserving your name space after placing order and making payment. Also a biggest fact is the support, how a company deal while you paid and suddenly in need of help. As per reputation Pk-Domain.com found great as they in the business from year 2008 and prime company in this nature of business.

Domain Registration Pakistan

If you believe that you should not go with a local designated ccTld but kind of your work is global then our recommendation is to buy a generic web name. It will absolutely worthy as internet surfers throughout the world can browse any website without the distinction of origin. So if you have international market to target and looking for domain registration in Pakistan, the best bet is to knock any cheap provider because there is nothing much technical on domain side like web hosting. what you can do with a generic TLD but not with PKNIC name are various features. You cannot edit, modify or add CNAME, TXT, A or any kind of records under PKNIC account but only set of hosting name servers. You can apply or disable whois privacy protection on the whois contacts of a gTld whereas this feature is not available in Pak ccTlds. Transfer process of any generic domain is simple, by getting domain unlocked and having EPP code whereas for Pakistani web name, you need to send request in hard copy format on an affidavit which is really a complex process.